1. Tell us about your project

Discuss your project with us to figure out if it is a good fit with our lending criteria

2. Submit loan documents

Fill out our loan application docs and we will order an appraisal for your property.

3. Loan funding

Once underwriting has reviewed all your information, we will fund your project at closing.

4. Servicing

Post funding, our team services all of our loans

Step 1 - Submit a Loan Application

  • By submitting a loan application, our team will have all the background information necessary to proceed and begin working on a solution for your current situation

  • After getting in touch with the borrower we can walk them through our processes and provide them information regarding funding, timing, and terms

Step 2 - Underwriting and Due Diligence Process

  • If our group determines that this loan fits our criteria following the initial inquiry, then we will move forward with our loan process

  • We will order a property appraisal and gather all additional information needed regarding the property in order to complete our underwriting process

  • Our team will then notify the borrower of our proposed terms

  • Lastly, the borrower will need to provide Amida with the borrowing company’s documents

Step 3 - Funding

  • Once we have received a signed Letter of Intent from all members of the borrowing company and receipt of a clean title from the title company we will be able to fund the loan

Step 4 - Servicing

  • Post underwriting and funding, Amida manages the risks associated with the investment including site visits, conference calls with borrowers to update Amida on project status, tracking the insurance policy on the premise to ensure it does not lapse, checking municipal sites to verify property tax status, and foreclosure proceedings when needed